And now for something completely different...
Climate ChangeThe Kyoto Protocol, Emission Trading, "Green" politicians - these are key players in the fight against global warming and are all hopelessly wrong in their approach. They are unfair, unworkable and ineffective. Kyoto and all it accompanies is bull shit.
I do believe that climate change is a clear danger to the planet, a serious issue that deserves a serious response. Skeptics exist, but I do not understand how they can be so blase about how mankind is polluting the very air we breathe. Skeptics however are not the problem, they are bystanders. I think that much of the skepticism is derived not from a strange deficiency to face facts, but rather from an entirely understandable resistance to the bull shit approach used to "tackle" climate change.
I advocate a reduction in government to induce a reduction in GHG emissions. The final response is as yet unkown and will require massive societal change even to find. Our states are currently carbon unsustainable, they need to be pared back and resources allowed to be allocated efficiently. We the people need less interference, so that someone amoung us can find the solution. We need the cimate change solution to be compatible with human nature - encompassing economic growth, greed, ambition, safety and fairness.
Labels: climate change, ETS, government, Greens, intro, kyoto