Tuesday, November 27, 2007

There are no revolutionaries for a reason.

Will at DSTPFW said he was a moron, I didn't totally believe. This exile * claims to be a believer in the advancement of the working class, but supports the victory of feudalist Islam. Either he is an Islamofacist or a useful idiot - betting on him being a number 2.

From the linked article:

As Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo all go tits up for western expansionism,the time is right for working class activists to start putting forward our agenda. The only problem that we have is the lack of a vehicle that will put forward out collectivist demands.

Ludicrous, isn't it?

At the very moment when the system is about to come under a major crisis of legitimacy, we have nothing prepared that can offer to take its place.

That noise that I can hear is the sound of the generation of 1945, all spinning in their graves.

They're spinning alright, but not for the reasons this moron gives.

Let us look at history and see if we can spot a pattern.

In 1945 the troops who were working class returned from a victory and decided that they did not want to have fought & won over 6 years so they could be ruled by upper class twits. In 1918 the troops who were working class returned from a victory and decided that they did not want to have fought & won over 4 years so they could be ruled by upper class twits. In 1917 Russian troops who were working class returned from a victory stopping the Prussian advance and decided that they did not want to have fought & won over 3 years so they could be ruled by upper class twits. In 1945 the Chinese troops who were working/peasant class returned from a victory against the Japs and decided that they did not want to have fought & won over 14 years so they could be ruled by the same upper class twits as before.

A pattern is discernible - win a victory, demonstrate might and leverage that might into advancement. Consequently when "the right" compromises (as it must under a democratic system) everybody gains with all boats raised (except obviously the defeated enemy) and the whole lot of us benefit. This is one of the things that makes a liberal democracy so very good, how it deals with victory and internal struggle. Everyone can win, the right gets its foreign gains and the left demonstrates the fearsome strength of people working together.

The utter moronic stupidity of the anti-war left is that the movement is the product of the elite US campus circa 1960s - not in the slightest working class - yet is now the clarion cry of "the left". The anti-war movement is designed to protect the children of the upper-middle classes from harm and that it happens to dis-empower this demonstrated means of lower class advancement is of course not a problem to its founders - who are quite happy with the status quo.

The dip shit (who is not particularly atypical of the anti-war movement) is bemoaning that there is no force for the left to advance by. Well there is a group of mainly working class men and women who are a force to be reckoned with. Only problem is the dip shit & like have been calling them bloodthirsty, inhumane, baby killer, losers for the past 50 years.

For the final word in ahistoric, lunatic, idiocy intent on destroying the best hope for working class advancement may I present the cheerleader squad of Islamofacism:

...The only way that we are going to ever ensure that our agenda comes to the fore is if the current political class is discredited by defeat.

In many ways that is the reason for this blog's existence.

So bring it on you head choppers because the more you chop the more NuLab is discredited.

Does he do it out of a middle-upper class love of comfort, for the advancement of a deviant Islam or without a brain in his head? Who cares?

* this "exile" should not be confused with The Exile in Moscow who are a fine insightful bunch.